How do I take a screen shot/screen capture?
This is only a brief explanation, and I hope it makes sense.
- Hit PRINT SCREEN, copying the whole screen area to your clipboard.
- Paste (Ctrl + V) into an image editor (The Gimp, Photoshop, MS Paint, etc).
- Edit if needed.
- Save as .gif or .jpg (check quality first if GIF format).
- Hit ALT + PRINT SCREEN, copying only the focussed application/window to your clipboard (ie: the browser window you are playing the game in).
- Paste (Ctrl + V) into an image editor (The Gimp, Photoshop, MS Paint, etc).
- Edit as needed (like cropping to the City view portion of the page only).
- Save as .gif or .jpg (check quality first if GIF format).