The HoRRoR of the Unholy Alliance!!!

less than 1 minute read

May it be known, that the Unholy Alliance, made up of The Sanctuary of Immortal Enlightenment, The Enforcers of Enlightenment, The Republic of Ravenblack (which now also includes under its flag, the League of Shadow Demons), and The Ferrymen, would like to announce and welcome a new addition to their alliance, The Hall of Rogues. We wish to congratulate them on this powerful and exciting new union.



Damari smiles as she reads. She folds the newspaper, using her fingers to crease it just so, folding it again before laying it on her escritorio

Damari Épouse de Lucius


I admit it. We just wanted to be able to say HoRRoR.


Welcome guys. We’re thrilled to have you.


We’re quite happy to be here! Throaty evil chuckle

Gypsychild of Warwick Jak’li Shebali HoR


…and HoRRoR it is indeed. Welcome to the Alliance.

Vella Devlin Ferrymen
