Vespertine and Kaio Sever.

1 minute read

After what appears to be a very short lived binding.

I took a moment to speak with Vespertine on this suprising turn of events and this is what he had to say and printed with is permission:

ophelia Lokason: I’d like to post your severence in the Grimoire ophelia Lokason: is there anything you wish to add to it? Vespertine: Gah, the brats in this City… Vespertine: Start writing. Vespertine: Gah, the brats in this City… Vespertine: I never knew anyone could be so dramatic. Vespertine: All this over an argument? Vespertine: What happened to the CDM? Vespertine: The siring was solely for strategic wartime advancement. ophelia Lokason: Why did you two sever, if I might ask? Vespertine: Seems that Kaio severd all his childer… Vespertine: Mina and Tifereth had a dispute that Tif Wouldnt back down from… Kaio was trying to defend Mina and… Im jsut not too clear as to how that makes kaio sever all his kids. Vespertine: The siring was SOLELY FOR STRATEGY Vespertine: He talked me up about this big war



I will only say this once, all drama has ceased, CDM still stands strong and I have stepped up to take control. His brats that weren’t worth a crap, have been removed. Ves you have proven loyal, and I thank you.

Ravynne CDM Priestess of Masks RavynneNitewnd)


What kaio did… that was his thing. I have no control over any of that. Dru and Raven were always good to me, when I said brats I meant the others.

Ravynne CDM (RavynneNitewnd)
