New Columnists

less than 1 minute read

In a sign of the Ravenblack Grimoire’s continued rise in stature within the city, we are most pleased to announce two new columnists: the emminent Seyda and the mysterious Mistress Sanguine. Together with Sade’s Horrorscope’s and Murzz’s most entertaining Gardening section, this brings the number of active columnists to four. With such an effervescent line up, the notorious bad boy and ex-Ravenblack Grimoire columnist, Lucius, will no doubt be barely missed.

In order to accomodate this swelling of our talented ranks, we have broken the Columns out into a special section on the right hand side. So the words of your favourite contributor are only a click away, and their RSS feeds are easily incorporated into your favourite sites such as Yahoo 360.

If anyone has any problems using the site following the changes, please email the Editor

This page is awaiting approval by the Editor and is currently only visible to Grimoire staff
