Sapphira disappointed
Severed her companion Sinthetik due to his treasonist behavior towards her clan.
Severed her companion Sinthetik due to his treasonist behavior towards her clan.
Severed from LadyB… no hard feelings
ARIES With patience and understanding on your part your enemies will come to you to talk peace,(with a little more beating and holy water you wont have to wo...
This is an interview PRIOR to the most recent events. A new interview with Murrz is in the works…
I had an opportunity to speak with Spinner and Avigon 2 days ago. Here are their interviews.
In a powerful display of loyalty to the newly departed members of Clan Seraphim, the membership showed how they felt as they set fire anything they could get...
The Capadosia is a wild flower, a very persistent flower that can be found trying to plant itself everywhere in the City. Scientists suggest that the goal of...
Part 1 ‘The Seeds of Treachery’
tgcsmith sires Archas
Jennison has severed three of her childer: DeathWingz666, Agent 047, and ElDiablo. She wishes the city to know that their actions within the city are that of...