The Facts About Lucius, an Exclusive and no ASSumptions
As the entire city now knows, the infamous and ancient Lucius did silently, in the night, become the childer of ancient and evil Roadie, aka road_wytch. It i...
As the entire city now knows, the infamous and ancient Lucius did silently, in the night, become the childer of ancient and evil Roadie, aka road_wytch. It i...
Quietly attended by all 45 million family members… Lucius was sired to road_wytch tonight, in an uneventful ceremony full of joy and adulation. Gifts are not...
In a stunning turn of events ~not~… Yet another squirmish between the Lokason/af Gyllenstierna/de Furie family and the Capadocians. This time it is a persona...
In a quiet ceremony, attended only by close friends and family. Gypsum was sired by road_wytch. Making her officially Hesu’s true sister
as childer.
The next in our series labeled the Introspective Perspective we have the honour of presenting to you our dear readers a sneak peek into the inner mind of Lo...
It seems that errant throwing of weapons is running rampant in this city. This vampire, whoever the unlucky sod is, has been throwing Garlic Spray around li...
Comments Gringa They went somewhere private so they could enjoy the presents from spookie. ::bats her eyelashes::
Ladies and gentlemen, in order to pay a tribute to the genius devil who has decided to take a vow of silence for some new mischievous sound-proof adventures ...
Get the Big D. Short and Sweet.