Shadow Court Blues

1 minute read

As reported here previously, the Shadow Court are helping the CoB out with their Wheel of Freaks attacks on notorious bad boy and Ravenblack Grimoire columnist, Lucius. The first attacks happened this morning. The operation was spearheaded by Clan de Vengeur with revered Shadow Court Chancellor, Ophelia throwing the first holy water, closely followed by obsidian, Moondreamer, stormy jayne and Morgana1800.

In what will not be the last such escape, Lucius chose this moment to purchase a battle cloak, making him invulnerable to the Shadow Court’s attacks. Although he claims to have purchased the cloak purely in order to pursue his old adversary, AdaMaS, we are not entirely convinced.

Although the Shadow Court were left impotently shaking their fists at him as he blew them raspberries, his respite may only be fleeting. It can only be a matter of time until the large clans start donning the battle cloak. At which point, the Ravenblack Grimoire will no doubt find out whether it is possible for him to write a column from the dream lands.



They have had two days to purchase their creation, and have spent it trying to convince others to. I have my doubts they will ever be able to go after him.

~On-da-g~ Temple of Lies Priestess of Small Lies and Large Truths

Oracle ~ The Ferrymen House of Lucius


smiles again and whistles Me thinks Lucius just got a tiny bit frightened.


I do believe your onto something…


The Shadow Court wants me dead? Interesting. I noticed Lesion and spookie were attacking me with shovels like peasants but, um… I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.
